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Если у вас остались какие-либо вопросы, свяжитесь с вашим менеджером в чате или напишите нам по адресу info@paxforex.org.
В том случае, если у вас есть значительный опыт на рынке Форекс в качестве IB партнера и вы обладаете большой клиентской базой активных трейдеров, тогда самое время присоединиться к нашей программе IB Мастер. Эта программа сотрудничества даст вам огромные возможности для заработка дополнительных средств от депозита каждого привлеченного вами клиента.
I started working with PaxForex from 2012 and till now I’m really happy with business that I’m doing with that forex broker. When I started cooperation I had only five clients, but even that amount of clients gave me significant IB commissions. I invested my IB commission in attractive website development related to forex this is brought me huge amount of clients worldwide. Also I have to notice that IB commission in PaxForex definitely highest on the market that’s why I stay with PaxForex so long.
Since I started forex education center in Nigeria I joined PaxForex. I found that they offer excellent trading conditions and my students have great opportunity to start their trading experience using it. As my educational center grows bigger every year and I have over 200 students monthly PaxForex offers me MIB status. This is significantly increased my revenue and I believe that I will cooperate with PaxForex further.
Here in Malaysia forex is very popular and I decided to join PaxForex as IB a year ago. I have few accounts in different social networks related to finance, stocks and forex. These accounts are very popular as I have a lot of subscribers there. Also I joined a lot of groups where people talk about forex, trading strategy and their experience with brokers. I spent not so much time during the day making posts with my IB link, but effort that I receive is significant. PaxForex offer really high IB commission and trading conditions for my clients.
I have local real estate company in Thailand and was deeply involved in local community. As my communication with local people could brought me additional revenue I decided to become Regional representative for PaxForex. I started negotiation with PaxForex and received confirmation that I’m able to be Regional Representative. With help of PaxForex managers I launched my new office. PaxForex world famous broker and it was really easy for me to sell brokerage services that supported with excellent reputation.